Checkpoint Next Generation Firewall

Lad Omnisec hjælpe jer med jeres firewall

Checkpoint Next Generation Firewall

Lad Omnisec hjælpe jer med jeres firewall

Checkpoint Nextgen firewall

    The rapid growth of malware, growing attacker sophistication and the rise of new unknown zero-day threats requires a different approach to keep enterprise networks and data secure. Check Point delivers fully integrated, comprehensive Threat Prevention to combat these emerging threats while reducing complexities and increasing operational efficiencies. The Check Point Threat Prevention solution includes powerful security features such as firewall, IPS, Anti-Bot, Antivirus, Application Control, and URL Filtering to combat known cyber-attacks and threats – enhanced with the award-winning SandBlast™ Threat Emulation (sandboxing) and Threat Extraction (Content Disarm & Reconstruction) for complete protection against the most sophisticated threats and zero-day vulnerabilities.
    As part of the Check Point SandBlast Zero-Day Protection solution, the cloud-based Threat Emulation engine detects malware at the exploit phase, even before hackers can apply evasion techniques attempting to bypass the sandbox. Files are quickly quarantined and inspected, running in a virtual sandbox to discover malicious behavior before it enters your network.
    This innovative solution combines cloud-based CPU-level inspection and OS-level sandboxing to prevent infection from the most dangerous exploits, and zero-day and targeted attacks.
    Furthermore, SandBlast Threat Extraction removes exploitable content in email and web, including active content and embedded objects, reconstructs files to eliminate potential threats, and promptly delivers sanitized content to users to maintain business flow.


Sandblast Threat Emulation og Threat Extraction.

Firewall, IPS og VPN.

Antibot, antivirus og URL filtering.

DLP og Identity Awareness.

App Control og Antispam.


Omnisec serviceaftale

  • Omnisec serviceaftaler
    Tilkald Responstid
    Basis Hverdage 8-16 8 timer
    Pro Alle dage 8-22 4 timer
    Enterprise 24/7 2 timer


  • Faste opdatering.
    Med faste opdateringer sørger Omnisec for at jeres firewalls altid er opdateret med seneste jumbo hotfix.
  • Overvågning.
    Lad Omnisec overvåge driften af jeres firewal for at sikre en så stabil drift som muligt.
  • Failovertest.
    Omnisec udfører periodiske test for at sikre at cluster virker optimalt

Omnisec er Checkpoint Certified Support Provider, CCSP

Med en Omnisec serviceaftale er hjælpen kun et opkald væk.

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Omnisec forstår vores behov, da de yder en professionel og tryg service til en god pris. Med en Omnisec service aftale er hjælpen kun et opkald væk 24/7.

– Carsten Spanggaard, FDC

Omnisec forstår vores behov, da de yder en professionel og tryg service til en god pris. Med en Omnisec service aftale er hjælpen kun et opkald væk 24/7.

– Carsten Spanggaard, FDC

Omnisec forstår vores behov, da de yder en professionel og tryg service til en god pris. Med en Omnisec service aftale er hjælpen kun et opkald væk 24/7.

– Carsten Spanggaard, FDC

Omnisec forstår vores behov, da de yder en professionel og tryg service til en god pris. Med en Omnisec service aftale er hjælpen kun et opkald væk 24/7.

– Carsten Spanggaard, FDC

Omnisec forstår vores behov, da de yder en professionel og tryg service til en god pris. Med en Omnisec service aftale er hjælpen kun et opkald væk 24/7.

– Carsten Spanggaard, FDC

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